Kamakura City, Kanagawa神奈川県鎌倉市

Living in Kamakura City, Kanagawa

Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine

We have Summarized the livability of Kamakura City, Kanagawa.

What kind of place is Kamakura City, Kanagawa?

Around Kamakura High School Station

Kamakura City, Kanagawa Prefecture is a city full of historical atmosphere.

Kamakura City is one of the largest cities in Kanagawa Prefecture, surrounded by Yokohama City to the north and south, Zushi City to the south, and Fujisawa City to the west.
Since the Kamakura Shogunate was once located here, many historical buildings remain.
Because it is surrounded by mountains on three sides, it is a town where you can feel nature, and it can be said to be a city with various charms.
The Namegawa River, Kashio River, Kobe River, and other rivers flow through the city. Although it is a city with a long history, Kamakura City was founded in 1939, and before that it was affectionately known as Kamakura Town.
While maintaining many important cultural properties, many commercial facilities have been established, and convenience is increasing year by year. For this reason, many people move to Kamakura from inside and outside the prefecture, making it one of the most popular cities.
It is also famous as a tourist destination, and you can visit traditional temples and shrines such as Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine, which is associated with Minamoto no Yoritomo, the Great Buddha of Kamakura, the only Buddhist statue in Kamakura that is a national treasure, Meigetsuin Temple, commonly known as the Hydrangea Temple, where people line up every year to see the hydrangeas in June, and Zeniarai Benzaiten Ugafuku Shrine, famous for washing money to purify the mind and pray for prosperity in business.

PR video of Kamakura City, Kanagawa

Kamakura City Promotional Video

Kamakura City Promotional Video “Drone Filming of the City”

Kamakura City Fab City Declaration

How is the traffic situation in Kamakura City?

Kamakura Station East Exit

Kamakura City has an extensive railway network and is easy to travel within and outside the city.

Kamakura City has three lines: the JR Yokosuka Line, the JR Shonan Shinjuku Line, and the Enoshima Electric Railway, and 16 stations centered around Kamakura Station.
JR Kamakura Station plays a central role in Kamakura City’s transportation, and by using this station you can travel to Yokohama City and the 23 wards of Tokyo without changing trains.

The second most popular mode of transport after trains is buses, and the area has an omnibus town policy.
This omnibus town policy promotes bus use, and it is notable that Keihin Kyuko buses and Enoshima Electric Railway buses have taken advantage of this to serve the area.

There is also the Shonan Monorail, a rare form of transportation. It is a short monorail that connects Ofuna to Shonan Enoshima in about 14 minutes, but it is a very attractive means of transportation, as it provides a great view of the mountains, sea, and tourist sites of Kamakura, and there are also moments when you can experience the swaying and thrills of being on a roller coaster.

The city is crisscrossed with roads, so it is possible to travel by car, but due to the nature of the terrain, there are quite a few dead ends. For this reason, many people choose to travel by train.
Park-and-ride facilities have been implemented to ease road congestion, and efforts have been made to prevent too many cars from increasing in the city.
Among the roads, National Route 134 is particularly well-used. Rickshaws are also available as a form of transportation for tourists, and their use increases significantly during long holidays.

  • Although it takes a little longer, it is possible to commute to downtown Tokyo. There are also relatively frequent bus services to Ofuna and Kamakura stations.

  • Depending on the season, the Enoshima Electric Railway can be crowded with tourists, which can cause problems for commuting to work or school. Traveling by car is not recommended as it has many hills and narrow roads, and there are many traffic jams on weekends when tourists flock to the area.

  • How are the rent and land prices in Kamakura City?

    Kamakura City Coast Area

    Kamakura City: A city with cost-effective rent prices

    The average rent in Kamakura varies depending on the size of the house, but in most cases, a one-room apartment is less than 60,000 yen.
    Even a 2LDK apartment costs just under 90,000 yen, and despite its high convenience, the average rent is reasonable.
    The average land price is 950,000 yen per tsubo, which is comparable to the 23 wards of Tokyo.
    The rate of fluctuation is low, but there is a slight upward trend, so if you are planning to purchase, it is likely to be more economical to do so early.
    Kamakura is relatively large, so there is a large difference in land prices between the center and other areas.
    The area where prices are most likely to be high is the area on the border with Yokohama, where it is not uncommon for the price of 1 tsubo to exceed 1 million yen.

    How is childcare and education in Kamakura City?


    Kamakura City: A city with excellent educational facilities and systems

    Kamakura City has 21 nursery schools, 23 kindergartens, 19 elementary schools, 16 junior high schools, 10 high schools, and 4 junior colleges and universities.
    Kamakura City is working to improve its education system. The existence of the Kamakura City Scholarship System is a good example of this.
    Thanks to this system, even those who cannot pay the full tuition and admission fees immediately can continue to higher education.
    There are four Kanagawa Prefectural schools in the city, and all of them maintain a high rate of university enrollment.
    There is also a national elementary school, which is a bit rare even in Kanagawa Prefecture.
    There are more than 15 municipal schools scattered around the city, so no matter where you live in the city, you can get to a school with a short commute, which reduces the burden of commuting.

    Kamakura City is home to many famous private schools.

    It is not only the local government that puts effort into education.
    The private sector is also putting effort into education in this area, and it is characterized by the large number of private junior and senior high schools.
    There are many applicants from outside the city and prefecture, which also leads to an improvement in the educational standard in this area.
    There are schools that are not only dedicated to helping students go on to university, but also function as a safety net for children who are not good at studying, so you can spend your time there with peace of mind.
    In addition to general schools with general education courses, there are also educational facilities with highly specialized departments such as beauty departments, supporting a variety of goals.

  • Compared to neighboring cities and towns, there are fewer children on waiting lists for nursery schools, making it easier to get in. There are everything from kindergartens to universities within the city, so it is possible to receive an education without leaving the area.

  • There is still a shortage of educational institutions, so the distance to a school tends to be long.

    How about shopping in Kamakura City?

    Komachi Street

    Kamakura City: A city with many shopping malls

    Kamakura City has several shopping malls, offering plenty of options for shopping.
    Among the most popular are Cial Kamakura and I-ZA Kamakura.
    Cial Kamakura is a shopping mall focused on groceries.
    In addition to standard items, there is a section featuring local specialties from various regions, making it a perfect spot for those who enjoy exploring shopping malls.
    I-ZA Kamakura, known for its stylish exterior, often features in the media and offers clothing for all ages.

    Reflecting the recent DIY boom, Kamakura is well-equipped with home improvement stores.
    Among them, Kohnan Kamakura Ofuna Mall is particularly popular and attracts many visitors on weekends.
    Additionally, there are various independently owned shops scattered throughout the area, allowing residents to choose where to shop according to their personal preferences.

  • The area around Ofuna Station is very convenient as it has everything you need, including shopping malls, mass retailers, and restaurants.

  • The prices in the supermarkets around Kamakura Station are a little high, which can make it inconvenient.

  • How about jobs and recruitment in Kamakura City?

    Kamakura City: A city where you can find job offers that are a little different from other cities

    Kamakura city has a slightly different recruitment situation than other cities.
    That is, there are many recruitments related to historical buildings. You can find many recruitments at museums, temples, shrines and Buddhist temples.
    Other than that, it is similar to other cities in Kanagawa prefecture, with many recruitment information available, mainly in the service industry.
    Many people go to work in neighboring Yokohama city, and Kamakura city has some facilities that are slightly short of workers, so it can be said that it is easy to find a job.

    Kamakura City, Kanagawa’s unique subsidy/subsidy system

    Kamakura City, Kanagawa’s unique relocation assistance and relocation subsidy system

    Kamakura City Promotional Video

    Kamakura City, Kanagawa’s unique housing assistance and subsidy system

    Earthquake resistance consultation and earthquake resistance diagnosis information Subsidy system for earthquake-resistance renovation work etc. Kamakura City Subsidy for Installation of Renewable Energy and Energy-Saving Equipment for Residential Use Subsidy for removal costs of dangerous block walls, etc. Subsidy for promoting greenery in townscapes

    Kamakura City, Kanagawa’s unique childcare support system

    Kamakura City Children and Childrearing Sparkle Plan Home childcare family support business Kindergarten attendance incentives

    Kamakura City, Kanagawa’s unique system for further education and tuition assistance/subsidies

    School attendance assistance system Tuition support grants for high school students
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