Yugawara Town, Kanagawa神奈川県中井町

Living in Yugawara Town, Kanagawa

Yugawara Yoshihama

We have Summarized the livability of Yugawara Town, Kanagawa.

What kind of place is Yugawara Town, Kanagawa?

Dokubo no Yu (Manyo Park)

There are mountains, the sea, and hot springs! Yugawara Town is a town surrounded by nature and offers a rich lifestyle.

Yugawara Town, Kanagawa Prefecture, is located in the southwestern part of Kanagawa Prefecture.
It faces Odawara City and Hakone Town to the north, Manazuru Town and Sagami Bay to the east, and is adjacent to Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture to the south and Kannami Town, Shizuoka Prefecture to the west.
It has a population of approximately 22,000 and approximately 10,000 households. (As of December 2022)

The warm climate allows for the cultivation of an abundance of mandarin oranges and other crops, and the region is home to delicious mountain produce.
Furthermore, the sea means there is an abundance of seafood, so there is no shortage of food.
In addition, with Yugawara Onsen, it is a nationally famous hot spring town that appears frequently in the Man’yoshu, a collection of waka poems.
It is said that many feudal lords from the Edo period have visited this hot spring area since ancient times to heal their wounds and gynecological diseases.

In addition to hot springs, there are plenty of tourist attractions, making it an ideal day trip from the city center.
There are natural waterfalls such as Fudotaki Falls, as well as the historical Fukusenji Temple and the Nishimura Kyotaro Memorial Museum, which is well-known from suspense dramas.
If you want to appreciate art, we recommend the Yugawara Museum of Art.
It is easily accessible from central Tokyo, and many people have vacation homes in Yugawara.
Some wealthy people even have hot springs installed in their vacation homes and enjoy the hot springs every day.
Due to its scenic environment, there are many painter’s galleries and art galleries, and the city is well-known for both art and the arts.

PR video of Yugawara Town, Kanagawa

Yugawara Town Immigration Promotion Video

Yugawara Onsen Tourism Promotion Video Short Movie [My Yugawara.]

How is the traffic situation in Yugawara Town?

Yugawara Station

Yugawara Town is easily accessible to both Tokyo and Shizuoka

Yugawara Town is on the JR Tokaido Line and has Yugawara Station.
It is about 1 hour 44 minutes to Tokyo Station and about 1 hour 17 minutes to Yokohama Station.
If you go to Odawara Station, 4 stations away, and take the Shinkansen, you can reach Tokyo Station in just under an hour.
You can reach Shinjuku Station in about 1 hour 15 minutes by taking the limited express Odoriko.
You can use the Hakone Tozan Bus, Izu Hakone Bus, and Tokai Bus to travel to Hakone, Atami, and Odawara.
In addition, the Yugawara Town Community Bus is in operation and is a valuable means of transportation for the townspeople.
To access Yugawara by car, take the Odawara Atsugi Road from the Tomei Expressway Atsugi Interchange, take Route 135 to the Seisho Bypass, and then take the Manazuru Blue Line.
It is an excellent access that can be reached in about 1 hour 40 minutes from Tokyo Interchange.

  • It is relatively easy to get to the Shinkansen station, so it is convenient when traveling long distances.

  • During the tourist season, trains and roads are crowded.

  • How are the rent and land prices in Yugawara Town?

    Yugawara Town

    Yugawara Town: Land prices are cheaper than in central Tokyo or Yokohama

    With remote work becoming widespread, many people are considering semi-retirement and moving to Yugawara, a hot spring resort.
    When it comes to business negotiations and meetings, it’s just over an hour away from Tokyo or Yokohama, and it’s well-connected, with plenty of nature, making it the perfect place to move to.
    The average land price per tsubo is 281,000 yen.
    This is a much cheaper land price than Yokohama or the city center, and it’s no wonder that it’s the perfect place to buy a vacation home.
    In Yugawara, building a large, spacious vacation home is no longer a dream.
    According to SUUMO, the average rental price is also extremely low.
    You can rent a spacious home for 35,000 yen for a 1DK or 2DK, and around 70,000 yen for a 2LDK or family type.

    How is childcare and education in Yugawara Town?

    Maku Yugawara Plum Grove

    Yugawara Town: A town that actively supports the child-rearing generation

    In Yugawara Town, there are 4 nursery schools, 3 kindergartens, 3 elementary schools, and 1 junior high school, but there are no high schools, junior colleges, or universities.
    Child Medical Expense Subsidy covers both outpatient and inpatient care for children up to 15 years old (until March 31st after they turn 15) and provides full financial support.
    As for child allowances, ¥15,000 is provided for children under 3 years old; ¥10,000 for the first and second children aged 3 or older until they start elementary school, and ¥15,000 for the third child and beyond; ¥10,000 is provided for junior high school students.
    Yugawara Town is very popular as a place to raise children.
    This is because the government offers various support systems for child-rearing.
    There are numerous subsidies and child support allowances, such as child medical expense subsidies and special child support allowances.
    In addition, there are many detailed services, such as health lectures for infants and young children, and free rentals of child seats and baby seats.
    There is also support such as diaper assistance and temporary childcare, making it a very well-supported environment for raising children.

    Yugawara Town: A town with ample educational support

    As children grow, their egos begin to emerge and their personalities become more pronounced.
    At times, they may be uncooperative, refuse to go to school, or show adjustment disorders.
    Parents with such children tend to end up bearing the problems, but Yugawara offers comprehensive support for such children.
    School social workers and educational advisors are available to provide specialized consultations and advice.
    These advisors and social workers are clinical psychologists and teachers, so they are extremely reliable support.

  • There are hot springs and the sea nearby, and the food and natural environment are ideal for raising children.

  • From high school onwards, students have no choice but to move out of town, and options for cram schools are limited.

    How about shopping in Yugawara Town?

    ESpot Yugawara store

    Yugawara Town: A town with local shops and direct sales outlets

    Many people may want to live in Yugawara for semi-retirement or relocation.
    Yugawara is rich in nature and offers the enjoyment of both seafood and mountain produce. With affordable rent and land prices, it is easy to imagine how livable it is.
    Furthermore, with extensive child-rearing and educational support and generous government assistance, many people consider relocating to Yugawara to raise their children.
    However, one concern is daily shopping and procuring groceries.
    Along National Route 135, there are small-scale shopping complexes like Across Plaza Yugawara, which includes electronics stores and supermarkets, and Espot Yugawara Store, so you won’t have trouble buying daily necessities.
    Additionally, Yugawara Town is a tourist destination rich in nature, so unlike the city, you can shop at local specialty stores such as fishmongers and greengrocers.
    At places like the Fukuura Fisheries Cooperative direct sales market and the Sunday morning tourist market, you can buy a variety of fruits and seafood.
    This is a unique way of living in a hot spring town like Yugawara, and prices are much cheaper than in urban areas. What’s more, it’s a delight to enjoy fresh products in excellent condition.

  • There are several stores where you can buy groceries and daily necessities.

  • There are no large facilities or stylish shops, so you will need to go to Odawara.

  • How about jobs and recruitment in Yugawara Town?

    Yugawara Town is rich in tourism and manufacturing, and is a city where you can work while living a relaxed life.

    Because it is a hot spring area with abundant nature, there are not as many job openings as in urban areas.
    However, it is not like you are in a situation where you are completely without work.
    First of all, there are job openings all year round for hotel staff and other staff in the hot spring town.
    In addition, Yugawara Town has a bottling factory for agricultural products and dried fish packaging work, so there are often job openings for part-time and casual work.
    There are also job openings for receptionists and store staff at tourist spots.

    Yugawara Town, Kanagawa’s unique subsidy/subsidy system

    Yugawara Town, Kanagawa’s unique relocation assistance and relocation subsidy system

    Marriage and New Life Support Program

    Yugawara Town, Kanagawa’s unique housing assistance and subsidy system

    Vacant House Bank Subsidies for installing smart energy equipment for homes Subsidies for home renovation, tree trimming, masonry removal, etc. Subsidy system for earthquake-resistance renovation work for wooden houses

    Yugawara Town, Kanagawa’s unique childcare support system

    Free Baby Seat Rental Guidelines Childcare support project to provide disposable diapers, etc.

    Yugawara Town, Kanagawa’s unique system for further education and tuition assistance/subsidies

    Tuition assistance system/Scholarship assistance system
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  • Living in Yugawara Town, Kanagawa(神奈川県湯河原町で暮らす。)