Minamiashigara City, Kanagawa神奈川県南足柄市

Living in Minamiashigara City, Kanagawa
Daiyuzan Saijoji Temple

We have Summarized the livability of Minamiashigara City, Kanagawa.

What kind of place is Minamiashigara City, Kanagawa?

Minamiashigara City

Minamiashigara City is one of the most tranquil towns in the Kanto region.

Minamiashigara City, Kanagawa Prefecture Minamiashigara City is a city located in the western part of Kanagawa Prefecture.
It borders Yamakita Town to the north, Kaisei Town and Odawara Town to the east, Hakone Town to the south, and Oyama Town in Shizuoka Prefecture to the west.
It has a population of approximately 40,000 and approximately 16,000 households. (As of January 2023)

It has slightly different characteristics from the cities in Kanagawa Prefecture, which have a strong urban image, and is known as one of the most tranquil cities in the Kanto region.
Although it is the least populated city in Kanagawa Prefecture, it is perfect for those who want to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
It is listed in the Top 100 Water Villages established by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and is quietly popular as a city where you can drink delicious water.
The city area is basically in a mountainous area, but once you step outside the city, there are many commercial facilities, so it is by no means inconvenient.
It is located in the northeastern part of the outer rim of Mt. Hakone, and although there are a certain number of residential areas scattered around Karikawa River, the population density is low and there is plenty of space.

PR video of Minamiashigara City, Kanagawa

Minamiashigara City CM

Minamiashigara City 50th Anniversary Commemorative Video

How is the traffic situation in Minamiashigara City?

Daiyuzan Station

Minamiashigara City is a city where buses travel within and outside the city.

Many cities in Kanagawa Prefecture rely on trains as their transportation hub, but buses are the main mode of transportation in Minamiashigara.
Izu Hakone Bus and Hakone Tozan Bus run in and around the city, making it highly convenient.
The Izu Hakone Railway Daiyuzan Line runs through the city, with six stations: Daiyu Station, Sagami-Numata Station, Wadagawara Station, Iwahara Station, Fujifilm-mae Station, and Tsukahara Station.
Daiyuzan Station, the largest station in Minamiashigara, is the starting point for both the Izu Hakone Railway and the Izu Hakone Bus, and many people travel from here to Yokohama City and Kawasaki City.
Although buses are the main mode of transportation, the railway is also in operation, and there are a certain number of users at Sagami-Numata Station and Tsukahara Station every day.
The main road is Kanagawa Prefectural Route 74 Odawara-Yamakita Line, which runs north and south through the eastern part of the city and is the perfect route for traveling to Odawara City.
Other roads such as the Gotemba-Oi Line and the Numata-Kozu Line are used by many people even on weekdays.
The roads are highly accessible, so having a car is convenient, but it is not essential to live here.
As long as you make use of public transportation, you can generally get by without any problems whether commuting to work or school or sightseeing.
The city is often developing new roads, and the Yagurasawa-Sengokuhara Line has a route from Ashigara Pass, making it possible to travel to and from Hakone Town by car.

  • There are a fair number of trains running, making it easy to get to places like Odawara.

  • It takes a long time to get into the city by train and requires transfers, so it is not ideal for commuting to work or school.

  • How are the rent and land prices in Minamiashigara City?

    Minamiashigara City is a reasonable town where even large apartments rarely cost more than 100,000 yen.

    Minamiashigara City has the cheapest average rent in Kanagawa Prefecture.
    You can usually find a one-room apartment for less than 40,000 yen.
    Even 1LDK and smaller apartments rarely cost more than 100,000 yen, making it truly reasonable.
    This low rent is due to the small population.
    The average land price in Minamiashigara City is about 210,000 yen per tsubo, which is about a quarter of that in Kamakura City and other cities.
    In some places, it can be as low as one-tenth the price of a large city such as Yokohama City.
    Although the area is by no means inconvenient, the average rent and land prices are very low, making it a hidden gem for relocating or relocating.

    How is childcare and education in Minamiashigara City?

    Ashigara Community Village

    Minamiashigara City: A city with average education standards where some students commute to school outside the city

    Minamiashigara City has 4 daycare centers, 6 kindergartens, 6 elementary schools, 3 junior high schools, and 1 high school.
    The Pediatric Medical Expense Subsidy covers both outpatient and inpatient treatments for children up to 15 years old (up to March 31st after their 15th birthday) and is fully subsidized. In Ninomiya Town, there were income restrictions for families with elementary school-aged children, but these restrictions were removed from April 2022.
    As part of the Child Allowance, 15,000 yen is provided for children under 3 years old; 10,000 yen for the first and second children, and 15,000 yen for the third child and beyond, up to elementary school age; and 10,000 yen for junior high school students.
    Minamiashigara City does not have any private schools, so public elementary and junior high schools are scattered throughout the city.
    Despite the city’s small population, the number of elementary schools is relatively high, so commuting to school is rarely inconvenient.
    However, if students wish to attend private junior high or high schools, they will need to travel outside the city. Transportation is not particularly difficult, so nearby cities are within a reasonable commuting range.
    It is not uncommon for residents to live in Minamiashigara City, enjoy the tranquil atmosphere, and attend private junior high schools in Odawara City.
    There are few chain-operated cram schools, so individually-owned tutoring centers are often preferred.

    Minamiashigara City: A city with many children going on to prefectural high schools

    Minamiashigara City has only one prefectural high school.
    This school is large, and many children in Minamiashigara City go on to this high school.
    If you do not choose this school, you will go to a private school outside the city.
    For those living in the eastern part of Minamiashigara City, schools in Odawara City are closer, so there are many cases where they choose to go there.
    Due to geographical reasons, many children do not care about schools within the city.
    If you live in this area, it is important to consider various towns such as Odawara City, Hakone Town, and Yamakita Town as possible schools.

  • You can raise your children in a relaxed environment in a place surrounded by nature, surrounded by mountains.

  • There are few educational institutions, and from high school onwards, students often have to commute long distances to places like Odawara.

    How about shopping in Minamiashigara City?


    Minamiashigara City: The city’s shopping malls are bustling even on weekdays

    Minamiashigara City has a shopping mall called Welmi.
    As the only large commercial facility in the city, this shopping mall is bustling even on weekdays.
    In addition to selling groceries and miscellaneous goods, it also includes restaurants, making it a great place to visit with friends.
    Located near the center of the city, those living on the eastern side may also use the South Ashigara store of Odawara Department Store.
    Due to its geographical location, commuting to and from Odawara City is easy, so it is not uncommon for residents to shop outside the city.
    The city has more individually-owned stores than chain stores, including traditional greengrocers and fishmongers.
    While it may not have as many glamorous shops as Yokohama City, there are certainly plenty of stores where one can shop at a relaxed pace.
    For those who prefer to take their time exploring stores, Minamiashigara City is a perfect choice. Small-scale supermarkets are also scattered throughout the city.

  • There are various shopping complexes, supermarkets, drug stores and other facilities around Daiyuzan Station, making it a convenient place to get everything you need.

  • There are no large shopping malls, and there are few fashionable clothing stores or restaurants.

  • How about jobs and recruitment in Minamiashigara City?

    Minamiashigara City is a popular town with large factories that make use of the delicious water.

    Minamiashigara City is well-known for the cleanliness of its water, and there are factories within the city that utilize that water for their industries.
    It is also home to factories of Japan’s leading companies, such as Fuji Film and Asahi Beer, and is a highly popular place to work.
    Apart from factories, some people work at cultural centers or are engaged in agriculture.
    Many people also go to neighboring Odawara City to work.
    The presence of factories by major companies makes the city a highly popular place to work.

    Minamiashigara City, Kanagawa’s unique subsidy/subsidy system

    Minamiashigara City, Kanagawa’s unique relocation assistance and relocation subsidy system

    Immigration consultation

    Minamiashigara City, Kanagawa’s unique housing assistance and subsidy system

    Vacant House Bank Subsidy for earthquake countermeasures for wooden houses

    Minamiashigara City, Kanagawa’s unique childcare support system

    Minamiashigara edition of “Childbirth and Childhood Neuvola”

    Minamiashigara City, Kanagawa’s unique system for further education and tuition assistance/subsidies

    School attendance assistance system
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