Kawasaki City, Kanagawa神奈川県川崎市

Living in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa

Keihin Industrial Zone and Tokyo Buildings

We have Summarized the livability of Kawasaki City, Kanagawa.

What kind of place is Kawasaki City, Kanagawa?

Nakamise Shopping Street (Kawasaki Daishi)

Kawasaki City: A city where you can go anywhere with just a little time to spare

Kawasaki City is located in the northeastern part of Kanagawa Prefecture, and is a long, narrow city that is almost flat from east to west. It borders Setagaya Ward and Komae City in Tokyo across the Tama River to the north, Ota Ward to the east, Yokohama City to the south, and Machida City and Tama City in Tokyo to the west. It overlooks Tokyo Bay to the east, making it a commuter town with good access to Tokyo and other major cities in the prefecture.
The population is approximately 1.54 million, and the number of households is approximately 760,000. (As of December 2022)

Around Kawasaki Station, you can enjoy plenty of shopping with the station-connected shopping centers “Lazona Kawasaki” and “Atre Kawasaki.” In addition to these, there are several leisure facilities within a 10-minute walk, including “La Cittadella,” a multi-purpose complex with one of the largest cinema complexes in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
Opened in 2011, the “Fujiko F. Fujio Museum” allows visitors to explore the world of Fujiko F. Fujio, one of Japan’s most beloved manga artists known for creating ‘Doraemon’ and many other masterpieces, making it a fun destination for both adults and children.

Keihin Industrial Zone, located in the Kawasaki coastal area, is one of Japan’s four major industrial zones, known for its concentration of factories specializing in heavy chemical industries. In recent years, the area has become famous not only for its industrial activity but also for the “factory night views” illuminated by lights from the plants at night, with popular boat tours offering views of these sights across the landscape from Tokyo Port to Kawasaki Port.
The famous “Kawasaki Daishi” temple, which is known for warding off evil spirits, can be accessed within 5 minutes from Keikyu Kawasaki Station. During the summer, the temple hosts the Kawasaki Daishi Wind Chime Festival, where numerous wind chimes from across Japan are displayed, filling the temple grounds and approach with their soothing sounds.

PR video of Kawasaki City, Kanagawa

Kawasaki City’s brand message: “Colors, Future! The future is full of color.”

Kawasaki City Promotional Video “Drone Shooting of the City”

How is the traffic situation in Kawasaki City?

Kawasaki Station

Kawasaki City is a city where you can access urban areas by any means you like, from trains to cars, bicycles, and even on foot.

Kawasaki City has 15 train lines: JR Tokaido Shinkansen, JR Tokaido Line, JR Yokosuka Line, JR Tsurumi Line, JR Nambu Line, JR Keihin Tohoku Line, Keikyu Main Line, Keikyu Daishi Line, Tokyu Toyoko Line, Tokyu Meguro Line, Tokyu Denentoshi Line, Tokyu Oimachi Line, Odakyu Odawara Line, Odakyu Tama Line, and Keio Sagamihara Line.
There are 55 stations in the city, including the main station, Kawasaki Station.
From Kawasaki Station, it is 9 minutes to the terminal station, Shinagawa, 8 minutes to Yokohama Station, and 15 minutes to Haneda Airport, making it a convenient location adjacent to a wide-area transportation hub.

Bus routes are mainly operated by Kawasaki City Transportation Bureau, Kawasaki Tsurumi Rinko Bus, Tokyu Bus, and Odakyu Bus, and extend to terminal stations, various parts of the city, and neighboring cities.

As for main roads, there are expressways such as the Tomei Expressway, which connects Tokyo to Aichi Prefecture, and the Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line, which crosses Tokyo Bay and connects to Kisarazu City in Chiba Prefecture.
In addition, three routes, including National Route 1, which connects Tokyo to Osaka, National Route 15, and National Route 246, have been developed as important main roads for accessing the city.

  • From Kawasaki Station, you can access both Tokyo and Yokohama in about 10 minutes, and there are many trains, so I have never felt inconvenienced. Haneda Airport and the Shinkansen station are also nearby, so traveling far away is stress-free.

  • There are so many lines at Kawasaki Station that it can be easy to get lost. Also, during the morning rush hour, the station and platforms are bound to be extremely crowded.

  • How are the rent and land prices in Kawasaki City?

    Buildings around Kawasaki Station

    Kawasaki City is on the rise due to rising demand.

    With easier access to urban areas, station renovations to make the city even more comfortable, and redevelopment of the areas around stations, the livability of the area has improved dramatically, and as a result, the average rent and land prices are also on the rise.
    The average rent for an apartment within walking distance of Kawasaki Station is 82,000 yen for a 1K and 133,000 yen for a 2LDK. There are more apartments around the station than apartments, and there are many properties that are safe in terms of security, but the rent is also on the higher side in the area.
    The average land price is about 1.29 million yen per tsubo.

  • There are many clean and new properties in front of the station, making it a fun area to choose a property. The market price around Kawasaki Station is high, but if you transfer to the Nambu Line and go down a few stations, the rent will drop significantly, so we recommend it. Over the past 10 years, large condominiums have been built in the area around Kawasaki Station as the area around the station has been developed, and the asset value is expected to remain stable for the next few decades, making it a good target.

  • The area around Kawasaki Station is one of the most popular areas in the prefecture, so rent is high. Land prices are also high, so it is difficult to buy a house near the station.

    How is childcare and education in Kawasaki City?

    Toshiba Science Museum

    It’s not the same as it used to be! Today’s Kawasaki is an excellent place for raising children and for education.

    Kawasaki City has 154 nursery schools and 85 kindergartens.
    Child-rearing support is also well-developed, and with the “Kawasaki Childcare App,” parents can manage their child’s growth records and vaccination schedules, and receive push notifications for health checkups, providing helpful support for parenting needs.
    With 118 elementary schools, 58 junior high schools, 25 high schools, and 18 junior colleges and universities, the area offers a well-rounded educational environment.
    There are numerous after-school facilities where children can play until the evening, which is a great benefit for working families. Notably, the “Wakuwaku Plaza” facilities, available at 114 elementary schools in the city, can also be used for after-school care, offering a safe and reliable environment.
    In the past, Kawasaki City had a reputation for poor safety, and it was considered less suitable for raising children or education.
    However, in recent years, the atmosphere around many of the city’s stations has improved, and efforts have been made to actively enhance the area as a place for education.

    It’s easy to attend cram schools and other extracurricular activities in Kawasaki City!

    When raising children, you will want to consider having them attend extracurricular lessons that are suited to their interests and age at the time. There are many classrooms and cram schools close to the city, and many of them have many excellent instructors, which is a significant advantage for parents who are sending their children to school, considering the future.

  • There are many places to play with young children, including childcare support centers. In addition to private after-school care facilities, you can let your children play until the evening at “Wakuwaku Plaza” and “Children’s Cultural Centers” attached to elementary schools, so you can work with peace of mind.

  • There are many children on waiting lists to enter licensed daycare centers, making it difficult to find a place to leave your children in this area.

    How about shopping in Kawasaki City?

    Lazona Kawasaki

    Kawasaki City: You don’t have to go far to find anything you need, everything is close by

    Kawasaki City is attractive because of its easy access to central Tokyo and Yokohama, but it is also a very convenient area where you can find anything you need around Kawasaki Station.
    There is a shopping mall directly connected to the station, and within a 10-minute walk there are large movie theaters, electronics retailers, department stores, and other facilities of all kinds, making it a fun area to shop in.

    The “Lazona Kawasaki,” directly connected to JR Kawasaki Station’s west exit, is a large shopping mall that opened in 2006. In addition to major stores like electronics retailers, cinemas, and sports clubs, it also houses many fashion brands and restaurants, making it a convenient shopping destination. It’s also an entertainment hub with numerous events, such as theater performances and martial arts shows, ensuring visitors are never bored.
    Opened in 2002, “La Cittadella” is a facility with an Italian-inspired exterior, featuring one of the largest cinemas in the Tokyo metropolitan area, live halls, restaurants, and a wedding chapel, making it a popular place to enjoy a full day.
    Additionally, there are many stores around the station that stay open late, so even those who return home late won’t have trouble shopping.

  • The area around Kawasaki Station is very convenient, with so many shops that you will never run out of things to buy. Over the past few decades, urban development in front of the station has progressed, making the streets look nicer, and there are many events held on weekends, so it looks like it will become an even more popular area in the future.

  • All the facilities are bound to be crowded on holidays.

  • How about jobs and recruitment in Kawasaki City?

    Kawasaki City is a big city with a constant flow of jobs and recruitment opportunities.

    Many people live in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, and so there is a correspondingly large amount of work needed. As a result, there is a constant stream of job and recruitment information. Hourly wages and salaries also seem to be set relatively high.
    Job and recruitment information is available for people of all ages, from students to housewives and househusbands to seniors, and there is a wide range of time slots to choose from, from early morning to late night, making it an area where you can find a work style that suits you.

    Kawasaki City, Kanagawa’s unique subsidy/subsidy system

    Kawasaki City, Kanagawa’s unique housing assistance and subsidy system

    Dispatch of wooden house earthquake resistance diagnosticians Subsidy program for earthquake-resistant renovation of wooden houses Subsidies for installation of solar power generation equipment, etc. Kawasaki City Earthquake Resistant Shelter Installation Subsidy Kawasaki City Block Wall Removal Promotion Subsidy

    Kawasaki City, Kanagawa’s unique childcare support system

    Subsidy for childcare fees for Kawasaki certified nursery schools, etc. Kawasaki City Comprehensive Pregnancy and Childbirth Support Program Prenatal and postnatal home support helper dispatch business

    Kawasaki City, Kanagawa’s unique system for further education and tuition assistance/subsidies

    School attendance assistance system Support for high school students
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